It's been a while
Well, goodbye 2015 and hello 2016! Sadly, this blog hasn't seen much action in the latter half of 2015, but I hope that will improve in 2016. Frankly, it has been a rough one lately. Sometimes, the only place you can go is up, right?
So let's take a quick rewind before we move forward. Why was 2015 rough? Well, I think if I could pin it down it wouldn't be one thing. Instead it would be a whirlwind of events. The perfect storm, you might say. Of course, 99% of the problem was solely on me. I don't use the term "no" very often and quite frequently, it bites me in the rear! Taking on this school year, a nearly 3 year old, a master's degree program, and working with a production of The Nutcracker almost did me in. There just wasn't enough me to go around and all of my "extras" got dropped in the interim, including my blog and TpT. The stress all came to a head right before Christmas break and I realized that I needed to prioritize!
On to 2016 - I usually have a long list of New Year's Resolutions and very few get accomplished. So, in order to help me prioritize and simplify I have narrowed it down to 2 this year.
1. Resolution 1 - Write every day. Writing has and always been my one true outlet. Writing brings me true happiness. Perhaps if write something every day - whether it be a good memory from the day, a Bible verse, a blog post, or even a rant - I can find more JOY in the daily things.
2, Resolution 2 - I want to choose a focus word for 2016. That word is "JOY". JOY will be my guiding principal in all things. I no longer want to lose the JOY that is given to us daily by the Lord. Everyday my students bring me JOY. Everyday my fantastic coworkers bring me JOY (or coffee). Everyday my beautiful little girl brings me JOY. The ability to pursue a higher education brings me JOY. The ability to show my talents and the share my talents with others brings me JOY. It is my sincere goal to focus on the JOY that I have been blessed with!
I hope you, too can find the JOY in this new year. Remember that we as educators, even in the darkest of times, are too blessed to be stressed. And when in doubt - desserts is STRESSED spelled backwards!
Let's start this blog with a great way to write. What word would you like to guide your new year?
So let's take a quick rewind before we move forward. Why was 2015 rough? Well, I think if I could pin it down it wouldn't be one thing. Instead it would be a whirlwind of events. The perfect storm, you might say. Of course, 99% of the problem was solely on me. I don't use the term "no" very often and quite frequently, it bites me in the rear! Taking on this school year, a nearly 3 year old, a master's degree program, and working with a production of The Nutcracker almost did me in. There just wasn't enough me to go around and all of my "extras" got dropped in the interim, including my blog and TpT. The stress all came to a head right before Christmas break and I realized that I needed to prioritize!
On to 2016 - I usually have a long list of New Year's Resolutions and very few get accomplished. So, in order to help me prioritize and simplify I have narrowed it down to 2 this year.
1. Resolution 1 - Write every day. Writing has and always been my one true outlet. Writing brings me true happiness. Perhaps if write something every day - whether it be a good memory from the day, a Bible verse, a blog post, or even a rant - I can find more JOY in the daily things.

I hope you, too can find the JOY in this new year. Remember that we as educators, even in the darkest of times, are too blessed to be stressed. And when in doubt - desserts is STRESSED spelled backwards!
Let's start this blog with a great way to write. What word would you like to guide your new year?
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